Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vaccination debate, here we goooo!

Let's think about this for a second.

IF you vaccinate your children, they will more than likely not develop a lot of childhood diseases. I have personally researched the CRAP out of the MMR-Autism link, there isn't one technically, a GASTROINTEROLOGIST was the one who came up with the whole mess!

Why not vaccinate your child? Why buy into the internet bull shit? How about we put our faith back into our physicians and keep our children protected. The more people who decline shots, the higher the likelihood that diseases will re-surface and will kill a bunch of people.

Please for the love of GOD stop ignoring the facts, and do what is safe for your child, and everyone else, if you deny all shots, and a child has yet to be vaccinated and your child gets another child sick, how will you feel? It is because of your neglect that other kids are being put at risk, and in reality you need to be thanking the people who do vaccinate their children, because they're preventing your child from not being exposed to the diseases that they have NO immunity to.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Obviously you have never had an autistic child. I can not believe how ignorant you are.

No Throw Aways said...

If my child is not vaccinated and, god forbid, got measles, mumps or rubella and your child has been vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella, how do you propose that my child would get your vaccinated child sick?

The fact is that my child developed normally until he received the MMR vaccine containing thimerisol. We *asked* his doctor if the vaccination contained mercury and she told us that it didn't. After my son was injected, my husband happened to pick up the vial and there it was, thimerisol was listed as an ingredient. So, yeah, my distrust of doctors is well-founded. They don't want to know if these vaccines harm children because the doctors (and every pediatrician immunizes children), the drug companies who manufacture the immunizations, and our own government who tells us we *should* give our children these immunizations could be held liable. Is it any wonder they are downplaying a link? (While simultaneously paying out to families whose children were injured by vaccines?)

Who is ignoring the facts now?

Anonymous said...

You need to do a little more research if you truely believe there are no risks to vaccinations. My son died from a reaction, so there are risks. If you believe the benefits outweight the potential risks, then by all means, vaccinate your child.

You shouldn't blindly trust anyone, not even your doctor.