Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sally Kern did it AGAIN

I really didn't want to have to post a blog about her, the woman who is completely confused. I honestly hope someone just taught her about Christianity in the wrong ways. Where does Christ EVER gay bash? Please someone anyone show me!

Her latest statement put me into shock, apparently tomorrow is National Clock In For Equality Day, good, we need more equality. She put out a "warning" for those of "us" who have "traditional values" saying that as of tomorrow "changable homosexuals" will be receiving special treatment. Are you fricking kidding me?!?!?! This has to be some type of mis-quotation, please let it be, but sadly I know it is not, this woman is insane by every standard.

For those of you who don't know who Sally Kern is, let's do a quick re-cap, she is the woman is compared gays to terrorist, the woman who said not all religions are equal, and the woman who compared homosexuals to cancer, and sadly the woman who represents my house district. I cannot wait for the November election, I really can't wait to wave at her as she loses her office at the capitol.


Just Jess said...

I am astounded that there are people out there who actually think these things let alone say them out loud!
I hope she gets knocked down off that podium she thinks she's standing on...and quick!

pixie4bears said...

Their really are some crazy people out there...

Collin's Mamma said...

Oh - and you're the woman that said:

"Let’s see I am raising her to be understanding of others, that family is more important than money, that she is well loved and well cared for, that BOTH of her parents want to be in her life, that we LOVE her. That although we are young, we can still be good parents. Oh and last but not least, to never date a beaner.

Actually no I haven’t taught her anything racial, but when it comes time I will not allow to her date mexican men."