Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MDU recommendation? LMAO

So I get quite a few laughs from this site, www.mamadramauncensored.com, and they whoever "they" are, suggested that people go to bestparentever.com, so I did out of pure curiosity and being up at 4 in the effing morning.

A lot of that site cracked me up, until I reached the section about dumb baby names, where Neveah was voted the number 2 dumbest baby name, uh hell no, that's my niece's name, and well I like it, I wouldn't name my own child it, but it suits her quite well. Colic and all, you see heaven backwards, I kid I kid, I love her to death.

Theeennn there was the section on submitting the dumbest baby names, and they suggested anything ending with ey should qualify, okay now this site has angered me quite a lot, my daughter is Cailey, I had honestly never heard the name until after she was born, I wanted a C spelling to go with Chris and I, and so I ran with Cailey. Why is it ASSumed that anyone with an ey ending name is an unoriginal idiot?

I do agree with sections of the site, such as the growth chart, and breastfeeding sections on the front page of it currently. There are a lot of realities to both posts. I support any woman who chooses to breastfeed as it is obviously harder than formula feeding, and I agree they are making the right choice for their child. The only time I become angry at ANYONE who breastfeeds is if it is rubbed in my face, as if I am an inferior parent for not doing it, we are all trying to reach the same goal, a healthy, happy child. The growth chart thing cracked me up, I am not a firm believer in growth chart's as a reliable way to measure a child's "normalcy" I mean Cailey measures through the roof on weight and head size, and average on height, if I played into that I would have my child on a diet right now, but I don't her doctor isn't concerned either. I am sure I will return later with another blog entry, purely because I'm bored out of my mind.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Oh the joys of being sick

Why is it that without fail every time I'm sick Cailey is too? It always goes that way. It makes for extremely stressful days. As most of the time when I get sick I get SICK, it's not just a little cold for me, it turns into a battle of the lungs for oxygen, and me on breathing treatments and no sleep.

Poor Chris gets stuck in the middle of all this, he winds up taking care of Cailey and I both, he really deserves fiance of the year award. He is the best father as well, he puts her to sleep every night, and he loves her to pieces, I really couldn't ask for more when it comes to him.