Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vaccination debate, here we goooo!

Let's think about this for a second.

IF you vaccinate your children, they will more than likely not develop a lot of childhood diseases. I have personally researched the CRAP out of the MMR-Autism link, there isn't one technically, a GASTROINTEROLOGIST was the one who came up with the whole mess!

Why not vaccinate your child? Why buy into the internet bull shit? How about we put our faith back into our physicians and keep our children protected. The more people who decline shots, the higher the likelihood that diseases will re-surface and will kill a bunch of people.

Please for the love of GOD stop ignoring the facts, and do what is safe for your child, and everyone else, if you deny all shots, and a child has yet to be vaccinated and your child gets another child sick, how will you feel? It is because of your neglect that other kids are being put at risk, and in reality you need to be thanking the people who do vaccinate their children, because they're preventing your child from not being exposed to the diseases that they have NO immunity to.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sally Kern did it AGAIN

I really didn't want to have to post a blog about her, the woman who is completely confused. I honestly hope someone just taught her about Christianity in the wrong ways. Where does Christ EVER gay bash? Please someone anyone show me!

Her latest statement put me into shock, apparently tomorrow is National Clock In For Equality Day, good, we need more equality. She put out a "warning" for those of "us" who have "traditional values" saying that as of tomorrow "changable homosexuals" will be receiving special treatment. Are you fricking kidding me?!?!?! This has to be some type of mis-quotation, please let it be, but sadly I know it is not, this woman is insane by every standard.

For those of you who don't know who Sally Kern is, let's do a quick re-cap, she is the woman is compared gays to terrorist, the woman who said not all religions are equal, and the woman who compared homosexuals to cancer, and sadly the woman who represents my house district. I cannot wait for the November election, I really can't wait to wave at her as she loses her office at the capitol.

Oh good Lord here we go again!!!!

On my birth board, the joyous debate is BACK, rear facing vs. forward facing, here's the reality.
REAR FACING IS SAFER, END OF STORY. To the original poster, God is meant to help us, BUT it is YOUR responsibility to attempt to protect your child in EVERY way possible. My child is rear facing, and does throw fits, but I figure I would rather hear screaming than never hear it again. Let's focus on our child's safety vs. their happiness while riding in the CAR.

While we're at it, let's discuss not vaxing a child. if you use the same logic as the OP of the thread, we shouldn't do that either, because if it's our children's time it's our children's time. No matter what, it's OUR job to protect our kid's fucking realize it k?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Are you kidding me?1?!?!?

Things like this are what make teen parents look like they have no idea what they're doing!!!

Last month, we told you about two idiots in Ohio that had been charged with corrupting/endangering a child after police say they forced a 2 year old toddler to smoke pot.

The two arrested were 18-year-old Melvin Blevins and 16-year old Angel Dailey.

Oh yea, and they videotaped it all!

The tape was discovered after an Ohio pawn shop dealer found it in a camcorder, which shows the 2 year old inhaling and then choking on the pot smoke.

Dailey has admitted to giving the toddle marijuana.

But even more disturbing is the fact that testing showed the 2 year old was also exposed to COCAINE!!!!


Dailey plead guilty to two of the three charges she faced Friday morning in court.

She was charged with two counts of corrupting another (a minor) with drugs, which is a fourth degree felony. She was also charged with one count of misdemeanor child endangering. She will have her sentenced determined in about a month.

As for Belvins, he was charged in connection with the incident. He was also charged on other drug charges in federal count which are in relation to a larger drug ring. Also being charged for the same drug ring, include Dailey's father Tim, and her uncle Tom. All have pleaded not guilty.

The child's mother, who lives in another County, said the child was in the care of the child's father who is a relative of Belvin.

The mother, who released a statement, stated “I feel sorry for her. This never should have happened,” she said after the hearing. “That was her family.”


Don't use guns around your kids.

And don't give your kids drugs either!!!!!!!!!

[Image via]

From Perez Hilton

I mean seriously did these parents think it would be funny to get their kid high? Did these parents think it'd be comparable to getting their pet high? Yea lots of people do that. I mean come on, can someone please slap these people FOR me?

On a brighter note, just to kinda show that all teen parents aren't evil, do you know who invented the boppy pillow? A teen mom!

18th child?!?!? Are you kidding me?

The Duggars are expecting their 18th child. If anyone knows much about them they don't believe in birth control.

I think sometimes there is a line that is crossed, and having 18 children is one of them. This cannot be healthy for the mother. I remember how long it took me to get back to feeling normal after ONE child, can you imagine having your 18th?

If you have seen the show you would know that their older children take care of the younger children, I wonder how many of these kids think about how little attention they get from mom and dad? It's completely ridiculous.

I think it's time for Mr. Duggar to get a vasectomy.